Friday, June 28, 2013

The Class Poem — with you in it, with many memories in it...

(I told Megan O'Meara I'd put this up. It won't be up forever, so if you want to cut and paste the text now is a good time.)

In the month of September
– I wonder if you remember? –
I was excited to say
you’re each intelligent in many-a-way.
And now it’s June
I’m singing the same tune…
Each of you’s different but each of you’s equal;
The game of life you’re winning,
because your potential you’re fulfilling.
No matter what say the rest,
you know God gave you a mission to be your best.
You learned to “remember the past with gratitude, live the present with enthusiasm, and look to the future with confidence” — to pray is the way.
You learned how to learn by aiming at a target;
What’s great is you stick-with-it til you say “Got it!”

So, just who have we got, in this class that’s so hot?

Well, we got Katie the dancer, so caring and sweet;
and Ian the boxer, so chatty and neat.

RTE’s horse-mad laughing Luke Farrell so happy-go-lucky;
and “Mrs Brown’s” entertaining Luke Corbally so honest and bubbly.

We got the multi-talented and well-named Blessing,
who leads by example and puts up with no messing.

We’ve caring Courtney so constantly cheerful — she’s a joy to be around.
And we’ve gentle Djena so constantly thoughtful — she’s totally sound.

We got ever-reliable, ever-friendly, Councillor Megan O’Meara
Always ready to ask: “How are ya?”
Hugely organised it seems she always has a plan;
And of course Ireland has no greater JLS fan.

And magnificent Morgan so impressively knowledgeable;
In history and maths is his enthusiasm unmatchable.

And we’ve generous Jamie, dependable and so helpful;
What a calm Councillor he is, apparently un-flusterable.

We’ve got the independent and imaginative Jessica,
who knows the value of being alert, ready to say… “Aha!”

And we’ve been graced by a hard-working gentleman, ever-admirable Emmanuel;
who, being so honest, could anything to anyone sell.

There’s big-hearted Adam always so laid-back and funny,
and thorough Tiernan, so richly-talented and usually on the money.

Relaxed Ryan’s passion is soccer, especially United;
When Sir Alex left, we mourned his loss of the boss.

Ever-improving in every-thing Nadean’s bright smiles got us through the dark winter;
Every day she steps closer to hitting her targets right in the centre.

And thank God for mellow Megan McGrath; so musically-gifted
when she plays to heaven you feel drifted.

And of course our ever-listening, ever-blossoming, terrific twins Nicole and Jade;
of this year in English and Maths great success they made.
I hope that one day, “I met Niall Horan!” they can say.

And we’ve elegant, easy-going, and jovial Leah;
who sometimes can’t wait til 2:40 so she can say, “See ya!”

And adaptable Ajibola our amazing friendly artist,
Who in improvements in reading wins the prize that is first.

Sakirat could win the X-Factor with her singing and dancing,
and personality so full of wonderful life a pop star could ask her to be his wife.

Quiet confident Kacper is in class so friendly,
but be warned: in team sports he turns deadly.

And who’s our favourite, deep-feelings poet?
Sure, it’s the wise and all-wonderful Agata, don’t you know it.

Many memories with time gradually fade away;
What matters more is to know that you had many a fine day.
But before time makes your Class memories history
Maybe record some details so they won’t be a mystery.
Here’s some other things I’ll keep
in my memory so deep:
  • Our ‘Faith Friends’ night
    when the first Pope Francis first stepped into our sight.
  • Your confirmation copies,
    so full of your Spirit, they surely God much did please.
  • Your progress in Maths and English
    so huge the news we must publish!
  • Friday afternoon’s Talbot’s-Got-Talent where week after week was repeated
    the powerful singing and acting to which we were all treated.

Each of you is creative, intelligent, and unique;
Collectively so noisy, you can’t hear me speak.
You get busy having the craic;
often so much, I’ve to go on the “shhh!” attack.

But when the chips are down and there’s work to be done,
You get in there and work, down to the very last one.
And now we’ve arrived at the end of the year;
You move on to secondary; I stay here.
I sincerely hope, as the years quickly pass,
You’ll remember the good times you shared in 6th Class.