I'm really happy with the homework the class is doing. Everybody is doing their homework, and if they haven't got something they've got a note from Ma/Da/guardian to say why. Thank you!
What's more, the quality of much of the homework is shockingly good.
As I said at the meeting with you on September 3rd, I give up to 30 minutes work. Nearly every day that will include maths, reading, spellings, and writing. It will usually also include
some other work: maybe PE (jogging for 3 minutes, for example), Art (drawing something), History (talk with parents/guardians about games they played when they were your age), etc.
PLEASE FEEL FREE to stop your child working if you find that something is too hard for your child and it is taking too long--Just write a quick note in their Journal saying that so that I know. But sometimes some children WANT to spend more time on doing something really really well (for example, writing a story), and that's fine with me as long as you're happy enough too.
The way I see it, homework is primarily to allow your child practice some skill they have learned AND to give them a chance to SHOW OFF what they can do to you, Ma/Da/guardian. Please give plenty of praise and recognition and encouragement. As you know, they thrive on it.
If homework is not done and there is no note from you, that's a problem. I give each child one 'warning' but if it happens again I have to give the child a Yellow Card for this, to be signed by you.
I've glued a "How To Do Your Homework" notice on the inside cover of your child's 'Homework 1' copy. Please show it to your child again and again.
Finally, thanks so much for your help with the homework. By doing that, you are showing your child how interested you are in them and you are helping them get into great work habits for life.